
最近創造表明,電動飛機杯的智慧互動模式透過高科技手段實現了與使用者的智慧互動。 內建的智慧晶片和感測器可以感知使用者的行為和需求,從而智慧調節振動強度、速度和模式,為使用者量身定制個人化的刺激體驗。 這種與使用者的即時互動讓整個過程更加自然流暢,彷彿擁有一個貼心的伴侶在一旁默默呵護。

October 18, 2023 — BeYourLover亞太華語

一鍵啟動快感: 電動飛機杯的智能科技與刺激合二為一


September 09, 2023 — 亞太華語 BeYourLover



a pink balloon shaped like a bunny hanging from a brick wall

August 28, 2023 — 亞太華語 BeYourLover



ice cream cone

August 11, 2023 — 亞太華語 BeYourLover



blue red and green letters illustration

July 28, 2023 — 亞太華語 BeYourLover



woman in white shirt under blue sky during daytime

July 14, 2023 — 亞太華語 BeYourLover



women playing volleyball inside court

June 29, 2023 — 亞太華語 BeYourLover

A man's intimate partner--electric masturbation cup

Male friends often expect to have a strong waist, to be able to complete every piston process excellently, and to give the other party a comfortable and perfect sexual experience. But men are not so energetic every day. Stress and anxiety make them exhaust their energy during the day, and they are more eager to relax and relax at night, awakening their dormant desire and motivation. Only relaxed and comfortable sex can men fully enjoy And deeply involved. In order to solve the problem of men's excessive physical exertion in the process of sex, a treasure came into being, it is - electric masturbation cup ! If the birth of the fully automatic washing machine liberated women's hands, then the electric masturbation cup is the gospel of men's hands. Its mission is to liberate men's hands and bring you a fully automatic sex experience. So, what are the functions of the electric masturbation cup known as "automatic sex experience"?

Electric Masturbation Cup

January 29, 2023 — BeYourLover亞太華語

Couple life time is too short? Then you'd better learn this trick!

Every man has the experience of 1, 2, 3, paying the bill when living a married life, especially a novice who is just close to doing things, a virgin, and ejaculate before or just after a few penetrations. This is all normal (some people say how long the first shot is, don’t listen to their bragging), if you want to do things for a longer time, the most basic thing is to do it a few times (preferably when you have a wife , can do a few shots every day, take your time, don't worry), don't lose confidence in yourself when the time is short the first few times! ! !

December 29, 2022 — BeYourLover亞太華語

Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of various aircraft equipment

I don't have much research on how women masturbate, but I have some experience in men masturbating. Simply wrapping the glans with a foreskin to masturbate is something that is often done at the age of twelve or thirteen, and the pleasure is not strong. If you want something exciting, please follow the steps below...

sex doll

December 22, 2022 — BeYourLover亞太華語